One key factor that influences the certainty of success on any undertaking is the practicability of operational plans and its subsequent implementation. In order to ensure success, JETTForce offers to implement the Shared Security Management Program [SSMP] designed to provide an avenue for open communications and consultations between JETTForce and the Client.

Further, SSMP is intended to forge close cooperation and partnership with the Client Management geared towards effective and efficient implementation of its Security Programs because JETTForce believes that joint and collaborative efforts always bring the best results.

The concept behind SSMP is to encourage the active participation of the Client as partner in ensuring the safety and security of its facility, work environment and employees. To activate and operationalize SSMP, both the Client and JETTForce shall appoint their respective representative or Project Managers who shall meet and coordinate as often as necessary to ensure the attainment of SSMP objectives.

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